Excel Organization Series: Clutter Free Closets

Home & Family

Calculated Clear Out. Go through your closet – piece by piece – to determine what you no longer wear or need. Be critical and take no prisoners. Keep the classic pieces, but get rid of anything you haven’t worn within the last six months – as chances are you’ll never wear it again. Here’s a helpful way to keep track of unworn items.

The Elgin Avenue

Harmonized Hangers. Give your closet an instant makeover with a simple swap. Donate your mishmash collection of plastic hangers, return those wire ones back to the drycleaner and hang your clothes on coordinated wooden hangers.


Categorized Couture. Organize your clothing into seasons and usage. Store off-season and occasional wear items on higher shelves – or in a different room if you are short on space – and keep your everyday essentials at eye level, sorted by item and colour.

Apartment Therapy

Critical Closet Accessories. Drawer and closet organizers are a must-have for storing off-season clothing and ensuring items like scarves, purses, belts, undergarments and accessories are neatly sorted and easy to find. Splurge on custom solutions, or pop by Ikea for easy to assemble budget storage options.


Kid Friendly Closets. Help your children keep their closets organized with colour coded hangers and soft storage boxes with large graphic labels.


Drool Worthy Closets. For more tips, tricks and inspiration check out these ah-mazing closets featured on Better Homes and Gardens.


Main Image: Container Store

- by Mhairri Woodhall