Aromatherapy For the Home

Home & Family

Make your home a calm and healing environment with aromatherapy. We often think that aromatherapy is just a way to make our homes smell fresh, but when used in a medicinal fashion, there are amazing healing benefits. You would be surprised how often we unknowingly experience aromatherapy benefits in our daily lives. We are exposed to so many different scents throughout the day; some trigger positive emotions while others create the opposite response.

We understand that incorporating aromatherapy in your home or office can be a daunting task, so here are a few tips on how to get started down the road of self-healing.

STEP 1: Try out various scents, as each scent is very personal. They can trigger prior memories and experiences, so experiment with what creates the most positive energy in your space.

STEP 2: Determine if you are looking to address any specific health concerns. There are several scents for various ailments in which your body and mind will resonate with best. As with Step 1, each scent will interact differently with each individual so try several scents, or mix and match. Be sure the oils you choose are 1% pure and from natural sources as any artificial perfumes and fragrances may cause irritation or allergic reactions. A list of ailments and scents that could help in the healing process are broken down here:

  • Anxiety: lavender, melissa, myrrh, bergamot, cardamom, chamomile, cypress, frankincense, rose, pine, vanilla, marjoram, neroli, nutmeg, patchouli, and orange/lime.
  • Depression: lemon, marjoram, neroli, peppermint, patchouli, rosemary, sandalwood, angelica, bergamot, cedarwood, jasmine, lavender, geranium, ylang ylang, and clary sage.
  • Fatigue: basil, angelica, cedarwood, clove, eucalyptus, jasmine, frankincense, lemon, neroli, marjoram, peppermint, patchouli, and vanilla.
  • Headaches: basil, chamomile, cinnamon, ginger, eucalyptus, lavender, lemon grass, melissa, marjoram, peppermint, thyme, ylang ylang, and clary sage.
  • Lung/sinus congestion: angelica, basil, cedarwood, clove, cypress, eucalyptus, fennel, ginger, hyssop, juniper, rosemary, tea tree, and marjoram.
  • Indigestion: lavender, juniper, lemon grass, lemon verbena, orange, peppermint, rose, rosemary, sandalwood, thyme, anise, fennel, ginger, and basil.
  • Menstrual cramps: angelica, basil, caraway, chamomile, ginger, clary sage, lavender, rose, rosemary, and sage.
  • Muscle soreness: bay, caraway, chamomile, eucalyptus, frankincense, ginger, geranium, juniper, lemon grass, lemon verbena, rosemary, sandalwood, patchouli and myrtle.

STEP 3: Find a vehicle for your aromatherapy oils that will fit your budget and lifestyle the best. Some options to consider: reed diffusers, water-based electronic nebulizers, homemade natural candles, tea light diffusers, or pocket sized roll-ons for travel.

Although not to be used as a substitute for modern medicine, or to treat physical or mental ailments, aromatherapy is a wonderful and natural compliment to your overall mind and body well-being. As with any natural remedy it is best to consult with your physician first to address any major health concerns.

Check out one of our favourite Canadian-based companies, Saje Natural Wellness to help you get started on the road to wellness!

Source: Julie Chen, M.D. - Huffington Post